
Fullstack Engineer & DevOps Engineer

March, 2017 - July, 2018
資策會資安所, Taipei
  • 系統重構與整合,整合新舊情資平台為一個平台
  • Dockerized 情資平台所在運行的服務; 像是 Spring, web crawler, data analysis program, Elasticsearch and Flask.
  • 規劃與建立 CI, CD流程(Jenkins build, deploy, postman testing).
  • 規劃並將情資平台系統轉移至GCP上執行
  • 規劃與建置威脅情資開放API,並建立API Portal讓使用者來申請使用
  • 規劃與建置系統監控機制,已讓情資平台能正常運作下去 ( ELK + grafana and Jenkins uptime and health check).
  • 開發 cli 工具,可以讓開發人員直接在本機端建立開發環境
  • 導入Cache機制(Redis),優化頁面載入速度(10sec to 1sec).
  • 管理及調教 Elasticsearch 叢集.
  • 導入 Swagger, POSTMAN, gitflow and Trello 等工具來優化軟體開發的流程
  • 負責開發與維運情資平台,並帶領開發團隊(3人),擔任Leader 以及Code reviewer角色.
  • 與外包設計廠商一同規劃與建置產品形象網站(Branding, logo design, Web UI design)

[Spring, Angular, GCP, CloudSQL,Swagger, Postman, Jenkins, Docker, ELK,API-GATEWAY, Kong, VirtualBox]

Backend Web Developer

Oct, 2016 - March, 2017
資策會資安所, Taipei
  • 資策會資安所 資料分析組 雲端資安威脅分析系統與機器感知弱點探析與威脅情資平台專案擔任後端API工程師及系統維運工程師, 負責後端REST API開發,間接Database以及Google API資料。
  • 系統架構調整(改採前後端分離)
  • 導入相關網頁資安防護技術,如CSRF attack防護、CORS機制、reCaptcha、Google Sign-in.

[Flask, Python, Swagger, Postman, Docker, Java, Maven, Spring, ElasticSearch, web crawler]


June, 2016 - Sep, 2016
Rhythm Studio, Taipei
  • 於台北捷奏錄音室擔任錄音助理,負責協助錄音相關工作及前置作業準備(console暖機、準備器材及pathbay接線)。

  • 類比盤帶數位化

[Pro tools, Music Production]


2012 - 2014
Automatic Multi-Track Mixing By Kernel Dependency Estimation
  • 利用核依賴估計來對不同的音樂類型、橋段訓練出的model來自動化唱片混音

[Data Mining, Music IR, Matlab]

Full stack web developer

Sep, 2012 - May, 2013
Project - SNASOLAP(智慧型網路附加儲存倉儲系統)
  • 在NAS上建置監控系統(Web GUI)來監控使用情形(with OLAP analysis algorithm)

[ExtJS, PHP, C++]

LBS Android APP developer

Sep, 2009 - May, 2010
Applied Computing Lab., CCU
Project- Counpon On The Way
  • 擔任Android app開發人員及系統整合人員,負責統整系統功能及系統維運

[Android, Java, JSP, SVN]

Guitar Teacher

2012 - 2014
Fantasy Music, Taoyuan
  • 於奇想樂器擔任木吉他彈唱以及FingerStyle教師。

[Acoustic guitar, FingerStyle]

Live Performance

2012 - Present
  • 參與亞太口琴節,擔任黃石口琴樂團客席吉他手,與團員李永祥共同演出
  • 參與2012,2013, 2014,2015, 2016黃石口琴樂團年度公演,與團員李永祥共同演出
  • 2014年擔任數場婚禮演出吉他手
  • 參與2012,2013 葫蘆墩手風琴樂團年度公演,擔任客席吉他手
  • 2012年9月與許峻豪於李吉他星光音樂會演出

[Acoustic guitar, FingerStyle]

Music Honer and Award

2011 - Present
  • [2014] 參加公視第一屆音樂創世紀擔任樂團”鍵盤革命”吉他手進入最後前九強
  • [2014] 第十七屆中央大學 Unplugged吉他大賽 演奏組 -第一名
  • [2013] 第二屆交通大學風弦盃演奏組 - 第三名
  • [2013] 第十六屆中央大學 Unplugged吉他大賽 演奏組 - 第二名
  • [2011] 我們的歌 高應大南區吉他邀請賽 團體組 -第三名

[Acoustic guitar, FingerStyle]

Technical Skills


Html5, CSS

JQuery, AngularJS, Angular, Jekyll

Bootstrap3, HighChart, font-awesome

Google Analysis



Spring(java), Hibernate, Maven


Google API, Facebook API, Twitter API

Web Information Retrieval

Web Security


Docker, Docker-compose, Terraform

CI, CD - Jenkins

Monitoring - ELK + Grafana

GCP - CloudSQL, GCE, GAE, Container Registry

Load balance - nginx, caddyserver

Microservice, API-gateway

GitFlow, Github

Linux, Mac





Music Production

Pro tools, Logic

Song Recording & Mixing

Drama audio post production(mixing, space design)

CSIE Training


2017 - Present
Cyber Security Taiwan Summit 2017, DevOpsDay 2017, Kubernetes Summit 2018,

保哥 Angular 2 開發實戰

2017 April 13
酷奇資訊有限公司, Taipei

Growth Hack 入門心法班

2016 Jan. 25
xdite, Taipei

Music Training

三十而立 - 全領域音樂製作工作坊

2016 April - 2016 June
學學文創, Taipei

莊智淵 爵士吉他課程

2016 - Present

魏駿 Recording & Mixing Class

2015 - 2016
Air Studio, Taipei

Introduction to Music Production

2014 Jan. - 2016 March
Berklee Music, Coursera


2013 July. - 2013 Aug.
Muscene Studio, Taipei


Fullstack Engineer & DevOps Engineer

March, 2017 - July, 2018
CyberSecurity Technology Institute, Institute for Information Industry, Taipei
  • System Refactoring: Integrating two Threat Intelligence platform to one System.
  • Dockerized all service in Threat Intelligence platform such as Spring, web crawler, data analysis program, Elasticsearch and Flask.
  • Design and build CI, CD in Cyber Threat Intelligence platform(using jenkins).
  • Design and migrate Cyber Threat Intelligence platform from local server to GCP.
  • Design and develop Threat Intelligence Open API and build API Portal. (API-gateway: Kong)
  • Design and Build Monitoring System to keep Threat Intelligence platform available. (using ELK + grafana and Jenkins).
  • Develop a cli tool for developer to create database enviroment in their local computer.
  • Improving Page loading Speed by adding Cache database(Redis).(10sec to 1sec).
  • Manage and tunning Elasticsearch cluster.
  • Introducing Swagger, POSTMAN, gitflow and Trello to the team to improve software development lifecycle.
  • Develop and Operate the Cyber Threat Intelligence platform, and Lead the web develop team(3 member). (as Code Reviewer & Leader)
  • Cooperate with UI design company to build our product site(as a manager).

[Spring, Angular, GCP, CloudSQL,Swagger, Postman, Jenkins, Docker, ELK,API-GATEWAY, Kong, VirtualBox]

Backend Web Developer

Oct, 2016 - March, 2017
CyberSecurity Technology Institute, Institute for Information Industry, Taipei
  • Cooperated with 3 members using Spring MVC framework and angularJS to develop a cyber threat analysis system on cloud storage service(eg. Google Drive) - CloudOrion
  • Refactoring System Architecture(Separating Front-end from Backend).
  • Add some web security protection feature into system, such as CSRF token, CORS, reCaptcha, Google Sign-in.
  • Develop and Design a Cyber Threat Intelligence platform, using FLASK as REST API Server to fetch and analyze Open Source Intelligence(OSINT) and Angular2 as Front-end framework

[Flask, Python, Swagger, Postman, Docker, Java, Maven, Spring, ElasticSearch, web crawler]

Recording Assistant

June, 2016 - Sep, 2016
Rhythm Studio, Taipei
  • Helping a Recording/Mixing Engineer with anything studio-related requirement such as positioning microphones, wrapping cables, configuring the patch bay.
  • Digitalize analog tapes into digital file.

Pro tools, Music Production]

Master thesis

2012 - 2014
Automatic Multi-Track Mixing By Kernel Dependency Estimation
  • Using Kernel Dependency Estimation to build several model by different section and genre of music to perform Multi-Track Mixing.

[Data Mining, Music IR, Matlab]

Full stack web developer

Sep, 2012 - May, 2013
Project - SNASOLAP(智慧型網路附加儲存倉儲系統)
  • Create a web interface to monitor NAS system with OLAP analysis algorithm.

[ExtJS, PHP, C++]

LBS Android APP developer

Sep, 2009 - May, 2010
Applied Computing Lab., CCU
Project- Counpon On The Way
  • Developed an android location-based app which bring your coupon into your smart phone.
  • System maintenance and operation.

[Android, Java, JSP, SVN]

Guitar Teacher

2012 - 2014
Fantasy Music, Taoyuan
  • Teach some music theory and how to play Acoustic guitar and FingerStyle.

[Acoustic guitar, FingerStyle]

Live Performance

2012 - Present
  • 參與亞太口琴節,擔任黃石口琴樂團客席吉他手,與團員李永祥共同演出
  • 參與2012,2013, 2014,2015, 2016黃石口琴樂團年度公演,與團員李永祥共同演出
  • 2014年擔任數場婚禮演出吉他手
  • 參與2012,2013 葫蘆墩手風琴樂團年度公演,擔任客席吉他手
  • 2012年9月與許峻豪於李吉他星光音樂會演出

[Acoustic guitar, FingerStyle]

Music Honer and Award

2011 - Present
  • [2014] 參加公視第一屆音樂創世紀擔任樂團”鍵盤革命”吉他手進入最後前九強
  • [2014] 第十七屆中央大學 Unplugged吉他大賽 演奏組 -第一名
  • [2013] 第二屆交通大學風弦盃演奏組 - 第三名
  • [2013] 第十六屆中央大學 Unplugged吉他大賽 演奏組 - 第二名
  • [2011] 我們的歌 高應大南區吉他邀請賽 團體組 -第三名

[Acoustic guitar, FingerStyle]

Technical Skills


Html5, CSS

JQuery, AngularJS, Angular, Jekyll

Bootstrap3, HighChart, font-awesome

Google Analysis



Spring(java), Hibernate, Maven


Google API, Facebook API, Twitter API

Web Information Retrieval

Web Security


Docker, Docker-compose, Terraform

CI, CD - Jenkins

Monitoring - ELK + Grafana

GCP - CloudSQL, GCE, GAE, Container Registry

Load balance - nginx, caddyserver

Microservice, API-gateway

GitFlow, Github

Linux, Mac





Music Production

Pro tools, Logic

Song Recording & Mixing

Drama audio post production(mixing, space design)

CSIE Training


2017 - Present
Cyber Security Taiwan Summit 2017, DevOpsDay 2017, Kubernetes Summit 2018,

Intro to Angular2

2017 April 13
(保哥)酷奇資訊有限公司, Taipei

Intro to Growth Hack

2016 Jan. 25
xdite, Taipei

Music Training

Sincerely Music - Music Production Workshop

April, 2016 - June, 2016

莊智淵 Jazz Guitar Class

2016 - Jan, 2018

魏駿 Recording & Mixing Class

2015 - 2016
Air Studio, Taipei


2015 July
爵士原力, Taipei

Introduction to Music Production

Jan, 2014 - March, 2016
Berklee Music, Coursera


July, 2013 - Aug, 2013
Muscene Studio, Taipei